Abstract : The conventional belief is that the quality of healthcare delivery improves with a physician's accumulated experience. However, recent studies have challenged this notion, revealing an inverse relationship between the number of years in practice and the quality of care provided. This is attributed to the infrequent updating of the toolkit established during training, making it challenging to incorporate innovations that involve theoretical shifts, particularly for those trained a long time ago. Changing socio-economic patterns, informed healthcare consumers, rapid technological advancements, and the information explosion impose greater demands on clinical decision-making [2,3]. Evidence-based healthcare involves the conscientious utilization of the latest and best evidence when deciding on individual patient care or delivering health services. This entails integrating personal expertise with current, relevant research findings regarding the effects of various healthcare forms, potential harm from specific agents, the accuracy of diagnostic tests, and the predictive power of prognostic factors. It also involves considering individual patient values and preferences to make decisions about effective patient care [1].
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