Global Research Foundation (The Multidisciplinary Awards and Conferences Platform Across Globe............)

A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Authors : Dr. Sarwar Rahman, Amal Mohsin

Publishing Date : 2023


ISBN : 978-81-968300-0-7

Pages : 110

Chapter id : GU/GRF/EB/GIEDI/2023/Ch-12

Abstract : In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary business, the service industry stands as a transformative driver of economic growth, customer satisfaction, and global interconnectedness. This chapter provides a comprehensive exploration of the service sector, encompassing its definition, overview, and key factors influencing its growth. From the strategic positioning of the service industry in global economies to the dynamic elements shaping employment within the sector, this chapter navigates through the diverse facets of the service-oriented paradigm. The exploration extends to the critical role of technology in reshaping operational dynamics, fostering innovation, and propelling the service industry into the knowledge economy. As technology becomes synonymous with agility, efficiency, and customer-centricity, businesses in the service sector strategically leverage these advancements to meet evolving demands and enhance their competitive edge. The chapter further delves into the intrinsic value of services, the determinants shaping their worth, and the challenges in measuring their impact. The global scope of the service industry, its economic contributions, and the continuous evolution of services in response to emerging trends are also scrutinized. Suggestions for the future present strategic recommendations to propel the service industry forward. From technological innovation and sustainability initiatives to global expansion and lifelong learning programs, these suggestions aim to fortify the service sector for future challenges and opportunities.

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References :
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