Global Research Foundation (The Multidisciplinary Awards and Conferences Platform Across Globe............)

A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Authors : Sheeba; Mohd Nafees

Publishing Date : 2023


ISBN : 978-81-968694-9-6

Pages : 159

Chapter id : GU/GRF/EB/ETCSIA/2023/Ch-19

Abstract : Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a versatile substance that is well known for its wide range of industrial applications, supported by its distinct chemical and physical properties. This abstract offers a succinct summary of the varied applications and relevance of zinc oxide across a range of fields, emphasizing its function as a transforming substance with the chemical formula ZnO, zinc oxide is a white powder that possesses exceptional qualities that add to its extraordinary value. Its adaptability is supported by its wide bandgap and transparent conductivity properties. Zinc oxide functions as a powerful physical UV blocker in the context of sunscreens and cosmetics, providing all-around defense against damaging radiation. It is essential to semiconductor devices since it is used in transparent conducting films, LEDs, and electronic components. It is piezoelectric properties are used in a variety of industries for sensors, transducers, and actuators, having an impact on anything from healthcare to automotive technology. Photodetectors, solar cells, and laser diodes are a few examples of optoelectronic devices that make use of the optical and electronic capabilities of zinc oxide. New uses for nanotechnology include energy storage devices, antimicrobial coatings that help prevent infections, and cancer therapies and drug delivery in nanomedicine.

Keywords : Zinc Oxide (ZnO), Nanoparticles, Semiconductor Devices, Photodetectors, Solar Cells, Piezoelectricity, Energy Storage, Nanomedicine, photocatalysis, Transparent Conductors, Sustainability, Biocompatibility, nanotechnology, Sensor

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