Abstract : The aim of the study was to make an assessment on cross cultural issues and their impact on students’ performance at Sharda University. The study used simple random sampling to select a sample from the test of accuracy of the population which were the students of Sharda University. The sample size was 35 respondents. The primary data was taken through questionnaires that were handed to the 35 respondents. A 5point Likert scale questionnaire was used to collect data. After the data was collected, it was examined by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results of the study revealed that there indeed is a positive outcome on the students’ performance when several cultural issues are put into account and there is a negative effect on the students’ performance when the cultural issues are not taken into account. Out of the 35 questionnaires that were handed out, only two were not returned meaning 33 were completed and returned, giving a 94.3% response rate. Findings of the objective regarding the Impact of cross cultural issues and student’s performance at Sharda revealed that indeed cross cultural issues do impact students’ performance. Positively when the issues are tackled and negatively when the issues are not taken into account or simply ignored.
Keywords : Cross cultural, Strategy, Society, Communication, Social issues, Educators.
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