Global Research Foundation (The Multidisciplinary Awards and Conferences Platform Across Globe............)

A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Publishing Date : 2022


ISBN : 978-93-91842-27-7

Pages : 20

Chapter id : GRF/EB/IDDM/2022/Ch-04

Abstract : Because of recent breakthroughs in Virtual Reality (VR) technology, the tourism industry has a significant opportunity. Although tourism specialists have debated the topic of virtual reality tourism extensively, the general public has yet to form an opinion on the subject. As a result, this study was done to fill the void and to better understand how individuals of all ages view virtual reality tourism. This study found that respondents have a good attitude toward virtual reality tourism, based on a quantitative and descriptive study with 82 participants. To begin with, virtual reality tourism can be simple and effective, particularly during times like as COVID-19. Second, during periods like COVID, VRT can fill the role of physical travel. Third, Price is one of the factors for consumers to not adopt this technology. Therefore, this study provides factual evidence to confirm the impression of individuals from different age group towards virtual reality tourism.

Keywords : Virtual Reality, Perception, Tourism, Travel Substitute, E-tourism.

Cite : Bisht, R., & Khurana, A. (2022). Virtual Reality In Tourism (1st ed., pp. 20). Global Research Foundation.

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