Publishing Date : 2023
ISBN : 978-93-91842-29-1
Pages : 14
Chapter id : GRF/EB/DPMR/2023/Ch-03
Abstract : Since the spread of COVID-19, educational institutions all around the world have moved quickly to ensuring that students' learning and safety are not affected. During Covid-19, the goal of this project is to see how e-learning affects students in higher education. While each university is different, we believe that our analysis might shed some light on how successfully e-learning affected students in higher education throughout the epidemic. Following the distribution of a structured online questionnaire, descriptive analysis was conducted. Students from rural and poor places faced significant hurdles, such as the fact that online learning assures effectiveness and that e-Learning is the future of India's educational system.
During lockdown, this study examines how students and instructors feel about online learning. A simple percentage distribution was used to estimate the participants' characteristics, their location, their knowledge and awareness of COVID-19, the learning mode and learning environment during the lockdown, attendance and accessibility of online classes, the used platforms, the economic impact on education, and the main study challenges.
Keywords : Covid-19, E-Learning, Higher Education
Cite : Verma, K., & Jora, R. B. (2023). Project On The Effect Of E-Learning On Students Of Higher Education During Covid-19 (1st ed., p. 14). Global Research Foundation.
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