Global Research Foundation (The Multidisciplinary Awards and Conferences Platform Across Globe............)

A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Publishing Date : 2023


ISBN : 978-93-91842-21-5

Pages : 131

Chapter id : GRF/EB/CCISIC/2023/Ch-17

Abstract : Real estate is the backbone of the national economic development, the level of its development directly affects the overall level of economic development. The paper analyses real estate of Dlf in real estate. First of all, The marketing theory of real estate are Outlined, on the basis of this theory, using theories of 4P (Product strategy, promotion strategy, price strategy and place strategy) to conclude the marketing situation of real estate enterprises, and put forward the problems existing in real estate enterprises marketing strategies in Dlf real estate. Now a days real estate market is very demanding and most of the customer of this market is facing huge problems like Developer selection, procedure, rules etc. this report is not cover entire market but contains all major information about DLF. Real Estate projects are highly priced projects which cannot be sold efficiently without a well strategized marketing campaign so as to reach out to the exact targeted market. Real estate, being one of the biggest business sectors, needs more efficiently targeted marketing campaign as this is very niche and unexplored field in the Indian scenario.

Keywords : DLF, Real estate, Marketing Strategy, Marketing

Cite : Varshney, S., & Ciddikie, M. D. (2023). Marketing Strategy Of Dlf In Real Estate (1st ed., p. 131). Global Research Foundation.

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