Abstract : In order for companies to be successful, they must be aware of what their customers are looking for. When it comes to fashion brands, where tastes shift quickly and the product is highly personalized, this understanding is even more critical. Many international brands seek to better understand Indian consumer habits by entering the Indian market. This study will examine the preferences of Delhi/NCR (National Capital Region) consumers for H&M and Forever 21 clothing brands .which aims to compare customer preferences across various aspects of product quality and price, availability, ease of purchase as well as brand image, and product visibility on social media. Researchers found that there is a significant difference in price, advertising, and ease of purchase but no difference in other factors. Price, brand image, and social standing all have been found to be more important considerations than products themselves.
Keywords : Researchers, policymakers, marketers
Cite : Verma, R., & Ciddikie, M. D. (2023). Consumer Behaviour Towards H&M (1st ed., p. 123). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842215.2023.eb.grf
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