Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to: first, examine why companies should create brand pages on social media, how should they use them, what policies and strategies they should follow and they should follow further , and what outcomes can they expect; and second – from firm’s point of view – how users are benefited from such pages. By collecting information from different websites we have conducted and make a research paper on the topic social media marketing strategy for brand building. This research paper is based on primary data and secondary data both, the survey is analyzed and conducted on primary data. Social media marketing is beneficial for companies and entrepreneurs up to some extents or it totally depends on companies or entrepreneurs that how they utilise niche marketing strategies.
In this research I am able to find that people are more on social media now a days and therefore giving ads on social media seems more successful than traditional advertisement and promotional activities. Also there is a large reach if the ad is posted on any social media platforms Social media marketing are found to be more reliable nowadays as people have no time to Watch TV and go through the whole banner of ads. The company has to provide all the information in just a single post or in a five second video because after that consumers are less then to watch ads more than five seconds they usually skip the ad after that so the company has to very clear in the first five seconds of the video ad.
Digital marketing utilises the benefit of doing good to protect and maintain consistent human interaction. The distinguishing feature of social marketing is that there is a good social target, not a secondary outcome. Standard marketing strategies can be used by community organisation to improve the promotion of of relevant services and organisation and will be extremely valuable but should not to be confused with social media marketing with a strong focus on providing targeted behaviour and his or her a record of interrelated topic in the public interest. Nowadays it is impossible to avoid the social media platform whether you are an individual or a business. It is now impossible to separate the social media from the internet social media chat is no longer is considered and online chat. It is important to understand that today is social media platform has a great potential. There is growing segment of the internet network of people setting commenting, whether you are an individual, starting a small business or very large company.
Keywords : Social media Marketing, Niche marketing strategies, Standard Marketing strategies
Cite : Raj, R., & Ciddikie, M. D. (2023). Social Media Marketing For Brand Building: A Study Of Selected Start-Ups (1st ed., p. 113). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842215.2023.eb.grf
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