Abstract : As we proceed through the 20th century, one feature of globalization is trade from one country to another. Same trade implantation compiles between India and China. However this trade is affecting the economy of India different sectors. In India Chinese products have a good leap and has affected the economy. Most of Indian companies are facing backdrop because of these products. . As a result of the influx of cheap Chinese goods, most Indian cottage industries have gone out of business, and the outlook for those that remain is bleak.4
Before market-oriented economic reforms and liberalisation were introduced, both China and India had comparable development plans. China began opening its economy to the rest of the world in 1978, and it has continued to do so since then. For most of its history, India had a thriving private sector and well-functioning marketplaces.
Cite : Shekhar, S., & Ciddikie, M. D. (2023). Impact Of Chinese Goods On The Indian Economy (1st ed., p. 107). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842215.2023.eb.grf
References :
An analysis on impact of banning china goods to india, july 2020.