Abstract : The E-learning management system was created to address the issues that plagued the conventional manual system. The research shows that, in the last five years, the effectiveness of e-Learning has skyrocketed. It is observed that prior researchers defined and analyzed efficacy in a variety of ways after digging deeper into the search results. At the same time, learning and development professionals in both public and commercial organizations are increasingly being challenged to demonstrate the effectiveness of their programmers. In this paper however deep analysis on the E-Learning system is being made and analysis report is also being presented in this report. The results of survey on various e-learning platform is also presented in the form of questionnaire in this report. E-learning business can increase its marketplace present in India by means of targeting the audience by providing more courses.
E.g. byjus and unacademy are the best example of the Flexibility in the timings of the course could be an advantage to tap the market for students. Finally, the study sheds light on the validity of self- assessments, implying that participants can accurately reflect their own habits if particular qualitative survey questions are answered. A model for understanding the links between
Cite : Singh, R., & Ciddikie, M. D. (2023). E-Learning (1st ed., p. 100). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842215.2023.eb.grf