Global Research Foundation (The Multidisciplinary Awards and Conferences Platform Across Globe............)

A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Authors : Mr. DAMAN SINGH

Publishing Date : 2022


ISBN : 978-93-91842-88-8

Pages : 95

Chapter id : ASU/GRF/EB/RPETHEAT/2022/Ch-20

Abstract : Data mining is one of the most important steps in the process of finding information in databases. It is also an important subfield of knowledge management. Over the next few decades, business and learning organisations will do more and more research on data mining. This review paper looks at how data mining techniques have been used to help with the process of managing knowledge. "Knowledge management (KM) is an effort to improve the organization's useful knowledge. Some ways to do this are to encourage communication, give people chances to learn, and encourage the sharing of relevant knowledge artefacts. This definition focuses on how knowledge management and organisational learning work together. The knowledge management process focuses on how knowledge flows and how knowledge is made, shared, and spread. Data Mining has been used in many different fields, from public health care to the construction industry, the Food Company, retailing, and even finance. Different data mining techniques, like classification, clustering, and modelling of dependencies, can be used to help each field. Knowledge is an important asset for an organisation. Managing the resources of knowledge has become a strong need for growth. Finding out useful information is also important for management and making decisions.

Keywords : Data Mining, Knowledge Management, Clustering, Decisions

Cite : Singh, D. (2022). A Study Of Data Mining Based Knowledge Management (1st ed., pp. 114-121). Global Research Foundation.

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