Abstract : The term "phenol" refers to either the hydroxyl group (-OH) that is attached to an aromatic ring or, more generally, to the hydroxy derivatives of aromatic compounds. Phenols are acids,
An experimental handbook for pharmaceutical organic chemistry-i
ISBN: 978-93-91842-69-7 31
however they are much weaker than carboxylic acids. It is simple to go through the substitution reaction. Phenol is well recognized as one of the most significant and versatile organic chemicals used in industry.
Cite : Yadav, N., & Kumar, K. (2022). Aim: To Perform Systematic Qualitative Analysis Of Phenols (1st ed., p. 29). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842697.2022.eb.grf.asu.ch-05