Abstract : Escalating healthcare expenses and less-than-optimal health outcomes are driving the exploration of innovative approaches in healthcare administration. Presently, policymakers underscore the importance of establishing a National Health Information Network and interoperable electronic health records accessible to the entire population. With a focus on patient-centered healthcare, there is a growing recognition of the role consumers play in actively managing their health in collaboration with healthcare providers. Consumer-oriented e-health resources aim to assist individuals in handling the substantial demands of health management, as meeting these demands may prove challenging without the aid of e-health tools. "E-health" encompasses a diverse array of evolving digital resources and practices supporting health and healthcare, primarily accessible through the Internet. These tools provide consumers with various integrated, interactive functions, often centered around a primary purpose such as disease management [1].
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Cite : Sharma, H., & Singh, J. (2024). Study To Measure Satisfaction Of Patients Who Are Provided With E-Consultation Services By Call Health At Hyderabad City Of Telangana State (1st ed., p. 1). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9788197040856.2024.eb.ch-01
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