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A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Authors : Dr. Shumayela Hasan, Prof. (Dr.) S.D.Sharma, Dr. Amit Kumar

Publishing Date : 2023


ISBN : 978-81-968300-0-7

Pages : 33

Chapter id : GU/GRF/EB/GIEDI/2023/Ch-04

Abstract : Background: Financial inclusion is the provision of low-cost, easily accessible, and relevant financial products to individuals and businesses who did not previously have access to these items. The overarching goal of the research is to assess the efficiency of financial inclusion among institutions. The research covered components that explained financial inclusion, such as awareness of bank goods and services, usage of banking products and services, challenges with using banking services, and important financial inclusion characteristics. Methodology: The sample consisted of 200 SBI clients, and the data collected was utilised to evaluate the survey's reliability, as well as to analyse quantitative data using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) once the completeness was verified. Findings: According to the paper, an integrated financial system may be built in order to achieve integrated economic growth in India. The article explains the need for an inclusive financial system, the importance of microfinance institutions in increasing financial literacy, and the significance of technology in providing low-cost financial services to the poor.

Keywords : Innovative, Financial Inclusion, Customizing Offerings, Innovative Channel, Risk Mitigation

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