Abstract : In a time of accelerating population expansion, environmental deterioration, and food system vulnerabilities, sustainable agriculture and food security are two of the most important global issues. The succinct summary of the complex interrelationship between sustainable agriculture and food security in this abstract. A holistic approach to farming, known as sustainable agriculture, attempts to provide enough food for the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to do the same. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) offer prospects to improve crop resilience, lower the need for pesticides, and increase yields. The ability of sustainable agriculture to reduce climate change by storing carbon in soil is widely acknowledged. healthy soils and preserving ecological benefits through biodiversity preservation. on the other hand, food security is a complex issue that involves everyone having access to and using safe and nourishing food. Climate change, population expansion, and resource shortages pose concerns to global food security, highlighting the susceptibility of agricultural systems to shocks and disturbances. By increasing agricultural resilience, lowering post-harvest losses, and ensuring equitable access to food, sustainable agriculture provides a convincing answer to the problem of food security. It encourages small-scale farming and local food systems as the main forces behind food security in various geographical areas.
Keywords : Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Solar Power, Food Production, Agricultural Sustainability.
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