Global Research Foundation (The Multidisciplinary Awards and Conferences Platform Across Globe............)

A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Authors : Mr. Pushpendra Kumar; Mohd Hyder Gouri

Publishing Date : 2023


ISBN : 978-81-968694-9-6

Pages : 103

Chapter id : GU/GRF/EB/ETCSIA/2023/Ch-12

Abstract : This study encompasses a multifaceted evaluation of factors including financial, technical, operational, legal, and scheduling considerations. Its purpose is to provide decision-makers with a solid foundation for assessing the project's potential success and identifying any potential challenges or risks. A well-executed feasibility study is an indispensable tool for stakeholders as it aids in making informed decisions about whether to proceed with a project or investment, thus minimizing costly errors and ensuring the efficient allocation of resources.

Keywords : Technical feasibility, Time feasibility, Operational feasibility, Economic feasibility

Cite : Kumar, P., & Gouri, M. H. (2023). Feasibility Study & Input/ Output Form Design (1st ed., p. 103). Global Research Foundation.

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