Global Research Foundation (The Multidisciplinary Awards and Conferences Platform Across Globe............)

A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Publishing Date : 2022


ISBN : 978-93-91842-28-4

Pages : 0

Chapter id : GRF/EB/TMRP/2022/Ch-12

Abstract : Ford is the market leader in the automobile industry and a major producer of vehicles built in the United States. Ford's image is based on a long history and a reputation for being a tough, trustworthy automobile manufacturer,made by American automobile. Ford Motor Company has built and marketed cars, trucks, and commercial vehicles of exceptional quality correspond these perceptions for over a century in America and around the world. Ford, on the other hand, has confronted a new problem in recent years: adapting to and changing with the digital age. Ball Busters decided to perform market research to see if Ford might succeed solely producing trucks and Mustangs in the future. Beyond that, we wanted to see how technological improvements influenced customer purchasing decisions and industry trends. The market is changing and growing, therefore we realized it was critical to examine this new environment before making any choices about the viability of our proposed plan (Newman, 2019). As a result, we came up with the following additional study questions. 1) What is the public's opinion of Ford? 2) What will be the future demand for technical advancements? And, third, what factors influence people's overall car-buying preferences? We were able to answer these questions and give recommendations after analyzing the data we collected. Ford Motor industry is maket leading automobile industry major producer of vehicles built in the United States. The Ford brand has a lengthy history and a reputation for being a rugged, dependable, and US vehicle that customers can 'trust'. The company of Ford Motor has been a major success in United States and all over the world for, last hundred years, producing, marketing of best quality cars, trucks, and commercials vehicles that embody these principles. Ford, on the other hand, has confronted a new problem in recent years: adapting to and changing with the digital era.To obtain primary data, we conducted both qualitative and quantitative research. A focus group interview was conducted to assess consumer attitudes regarding the Ford brand, the vehicle industry, and wider buying inclinations, as well as a Qualtrics survey based on the focus group's findings to extend the scope of consumer responses to comparable topics. We were able to dig further into Ford's choice challenge by performing research, gathering data, and analyzing the outcomes. Based on our findings, we believe Ford has a strong industry position and a bright future – provided they adjust to evolving technological expectations of customers in the near future and address perception-based disparities outlined in the following study.


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References :
  1. Website: Industries Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Company size 51-200 employees Headquarters Kathmandu , Bagmati Type:-Sole Proprietorship.