Abstract : Due to the rising recognition that brands are one of the most important intangible assets that companies have, branding has been a top management concern in the recent decade. With the rise of globalisation and international commerce, a growing number of foreign companies are entering India, one of the world's fastest expanding and most competitive marketplaces. Though the majority of global corporations failed to comprehend the demands of Indian customers as well as market features, a few have been successful in establishing their brands in the Indian market because they seek to understand the needs of the target group before launching a brand. Even some of today's most successful firms made multiple faults or mistakes when they first entered the Indian market. This paper identifies some of the most influential work in the branding field, showcasing what has already been understood from an academic standpoint on key things such as brand image, brand incorporation, brand equity quantification, brand growth, and brand management, as well as why some global brands that are high level fail to gain significant market share in India. The ramifications of the branding notion for choice modelling, as well as the difficulty of adding primary and interaction branding impacts, as well as the influence of competition, are examined.
Keywords : Brand, Brand equity, Globalization, Global brands, Indian market.
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