Abstract : Direct premiums paid in the non-life insurance market climbed by 12 percent to 105.25 Rupees, according to the latest data (1.55 Rupees). The Indian insurance sector has been in existence for 150 years. As a result of international experience, particularly that of the United Kingdom, the Indian insurance industry has developed through time. It was in Calcutta that the Orient Life Insurance Firm was founded in 1818, making it the country's first life insurance company. According to the bill, the current insurance law in India would be revised. In 1870, the Bombay Mutual Life Insurance Association was established, becoming India's first national insurance business. India's life insurance industry is the biggest in the world, with around 360 million insurance policies in force. Located in Canada, this joint venture with Aditya Birla Nuvo Nissan Life Insurance, Japan's second-largest life insurance firm, is headquartered there.
Cite : Gupta, I., & Sardar, S. (2020). The Research On Individual’s Opinions Towards Direct Mutual Funds (1st ed., p. 54). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842291.2023.eb.grf