Abstract : In the 21st century, the majority of people are using social media for recruitment and selection. Social media is where people use to search for jobs and employers prefer to find candidates for the job. The use of social media has innovated in our world today, in the recruitment and selection of candidates. Social media play an important role in Human Resources, particularly in the recruitment and selection process. Social media can be used by recruiters as a platform to inform applicants about the available opportunity for a job, the skills, and competencies required for the job, and the nature of the job. Social media is a collection of Internet-based applications that allow individuals from all over the world to connect, share, and communicate with one another. In the employment process, social media is increasingly being used to acquire information about prospects. for various roles, social media aids in the creation of product awareness, attracting new customers, and retaining existing customers. Social media aid in the recruitment and selection of candidates from different various sectors. social media recruitment and selection necessitates specialized knowledge as well as the creation of a trusting and transparent environment in computer-based communication. the need for social media recruitment and selection, a poll indicated that 84 percent of students and 91 percent of businesses use it as a platform for recruitment and selection. A survey was conducted at Sharda University in India, as well as by several businesses from around the world.
Keywords : social media, recruitment, selection, human Resources.
Cite : Bokole, J. B., & Jora, R. B. (2020). Impact Of Social Media Through Recruitment And Selection (1st ed., p. 29). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842291.2023.eb.grf
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