Abstract : Online learning has helped students to become independent learners before they make their way into the real world. Students got opportunities to explore new learning applications and platforms during the class, which helped them to develop new skills and capabilities accelerating their growth trajectory. Impacts include the lack of efficiency of technology, the difficulty for pupils to understand the concepts taught, and online learning causes social isolation and results in pupils not developing the necessary communication skills.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions all around the world have moved fast to ensure that students' learning and safety are not impacted. During Covid-19, the goal of this project is to see how e-learning affects students in higher education. While each university is different, we believe that our analysis might shed some light on how successfully e-learning affected students in higher education throughout the epidemic. Following the distribution of a structured online questionnaire, descriptive analysis was conducted. Students from rural and poor places faced significant hurdles, such as the fact that online learning assures effectiveness and that e-Learning is the future of India's educational system.
Keywords :
Cite : Ahmed, K., & Chaturvedi, S. (2023). Project On Impact Of Online Learning During Covid 19 (1st ed., p. 50). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842215.2023.eb.grf
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