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A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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Publishing Date : 2022


ISBN : 978-93-91842-88-8

Pages : 25

Chapter id : ASU/GRF/EB/RPETHEAT/2022/Ch-07

Abstract : Now days, various feeding techniques used for wide band width, to radiate on ultra-high frequency. Antenna’s promising features like compact size, easy design, acceptable gain and stable radiation characteristics make design suitable for WLAN, WiMAX and X-band applications space-craft .Microstrip antenna fabricate in various shapes to form more efficient in power loss. Reflection loss calculation for metal with different concentration of functionalizing element 5-50hz, concentration increases, this shifted to a lower band. In future, advancement done on metamaterial based antenna application for communication, microwave technology.

Keywords : material science, physics, chemistry, electromagnetics,

Cite : Shah, J., Vasisth, P., & Ranjan, S. (2022). Hidden Work On Metamaterial (1st ed., pp. 25-29). Global Research Foundation.

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