Abstract : First of all After my basic Training in frontend languages, I was assigned to the Ncap team (Ncap is developed by NIIT) in which I have to first of all understand the product. For this I have to install softwares in my machine like nodejs, sql workbench and svn. With the help of my colleagues I have installed it on my machine so that I can add settings and make changes to it in my local machine using vscode and upload the updated code to svn server.
Then I was assigned to a different project which was an open source whiteboard project.For this first if all i started building basic bots using amazon lex and i have to research. So I started digging a bit online and after doing lots of research I found the correct github Repository and after setting it, I started working on it.
Then I was assigned to an AI voice based video simulator project. I started working on this with guidance from my mentor. For these i have done R & D ON html canvas and how to add videos using it and also i started learning more about aws lex platform and how to connect it to frontend Projects.
Keywords : FRONTEND, DEVELOPMENT, programme.
Cite : Jain, N., Chakraborty, S., & Sharma, G. (2022). Frontend Development (1st ed., p. 128). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842765.2022.eb.grf.asu.ch-14