Abstract : The multilayered tablet concept has been long utilizing to develop sustained release formulations. Such a tablet has a fast releasing layer and may contain bi or triple layers to sustain the drug release. The pharmacokinetic advantages relies on the fact that drug release from fast releasing layer leads to sudden rise in the blood concentration. However, the blood level is maintained at steady state as the drug is released from the sustaining layer. Thus, the developed single tablet will be sufficient instead of two to three tablets of both drugs per day, and it will also increase the patient compliance and therapeutic efficacy. The oral route of drug administration is the most convenient and commonly used method of drug delivery. Layer tablets are composed of two or three layers of granulation compressed together. It makes possible to formulate sustained release preparation as one layer with the immediate release preparation as the second layer.
Cite : Yadav, N., & Kumar, K. (2022). Bilayer Tablets Technologies (1st ed., p. 179). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842871.2022.eb.grf.asu.ch.14