Abstract : Hippuric acid, a naturally occurring component of urine as a metabolite of aromatic chemicals from diet, is an acyl glycine formed via the conjugation of benzoic acid and glycine. Amides are made up of an amine and an organic acid molecule bonded together and water molecule is eliminated. While the -H is derived from the -NH2 group, the -OH component is from the -COOH. Because the result of the reaction would be an acid-base neutralisation reaction, because the -OH is a very poor leaving group, this reaction cannot be completed by just combining the acid and amine molecules. As a result, the acid must first be transformed into a derivative that is more reactive often an acid chloride, which lacks an acidic H but has a great leaving group.
Keywords : Conical flask, Beaker, Pipette, Glass rod.
Cite : Sharma, M. K., & Yadav, N. (2022). Aim: To Synthesize Hippuric Acid (Benzoyl Glycine) (1st ed., p. 78). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842697.2022.eb.grf.asu.ch-13