Abstract : Aromatic Hydrocarbons are organic molecules having a circular shape that contain sigma bonds and delocalized pi electrons. These chemical substances are also referred to as arenes and aryl hydrocarbons. Aromatic hydrocarbons are "unsaturated hydrocarbons with hydrogen atoms connected to one or more planar six-carbon rings termed benzene rings." Numerous aromatic hydrocarbons include benzene rings (also referred to as an aromatic ring). Resonance stabilises the benzene ring and delocalizes the pi electrons inside the ring structure.
Cite : Kumar, K., & Sharma, M. K. (2022). Aim: To Carry Out The Qualitative Test Of Aromatic Hydrocarbon (Benzene, Toluene And Naphthalene) (1st ed., p. 59). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842697.2022.eb.grf.asu.ch-10