Abstract : Carboxyl groups (-COOH) are the functional groups of carboxylic acids. Aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids are the two classes of carboxylic acids. In general, aliphatic carboxylic acids are depicted by formula RCOOH, while aromatic carboxylic acids are depicted by formula ArCOOH. When compared to other organic molecules of the same molecular weight, carboxylic acids have much higher boiling point. They are polar organic compounds that form extremely strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
Keywords : Test-tube, Stands, Brush, Holder.
Cite : Yadav, N., & Kumawat, M. K. (2022). Aim: To Perform Systematic Qualitative Analysis Of Carboxylic Acid (1st ed., pp. 1). Global Research Foundation. https://doi.org/10.52458/9789391842697.2022.eb.grf.asu.ch-01