Global Research Foundation (The Multidisciplinary Awards and Conferences Platform Across Globe............)

A Unit of KAAV MEDIA PVT. LTD [CIN: U22100DL2013PTC262866]

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By Dr. Aarti Sharma

Dr. Rachna Bansal

PAPER BACK ISBN : 978-93-91842-29-1

DATE : 2023

PAGES : 1-141




The advent of digital technology, today, has blurred the line between the physical and the digital. In contemporary fiercely competitive environment, the expression ―innovate or die rings true in all walks of life, business, and profession. Technology has brought a paradigm shift in the way humans live and behave. Disruptive trends are emerging in the digital space. This has not only affected business and operations but has transformed the way we communicate. As a catalyst for positive and radical change, digital disruption and transformation is a multidimensional force that is changing the landscape in every field: marketing, human resource management, finance and banking, education, sustainable developments, supply chain management, engineering, agriculture, medical, communication and what not. The organizations, therefore, must transform at a rapid pace to meet the demands of digital. The recent wave of disruption has left many in its wake. Studying these changes becomes important and imperative from a personal as well as professional viewpoint. This book aims at providing insights into multidimensional aspects of digital disruption and transformation and explores a range of topics of interest to academicians, Economists, business professionals, social reformers and anyone interested in development beyond boundaries